Prof. Marcel van Gerven, Dept. for Artificial Intelligence
on dynamic modeling of large-scale neural data
Prof. Paul Tiesinga, Donders Center for Neuroscience
on network models of cortical networks
Dr. Fleur Zeldenrust, Donders Center for Neuroscience
on biophysical models of neural computation
Dr. Sharon Kolk, Donders Center for Neuroscience
electrophysiological recordings from brain organoids
Prof. Simon Fisher, MPI for Psycholinguistics
on the neural basis of social vocalizations in mice
Dr. Misha Ahrens, HHMI, Janelia Farms, USA
on large-scale neural data-analysis
Prof. Manolo Malmierca, Univ. Salamanca, Spain
on whole-brain recordings in zebrafish
Prof. Yves Boubenec, ENS, Paris, France
on auditory physiology & behavior
Prof. Shihab Shamma & Dr. Jonathan Fritz, Univ. Maryland, USA
on auditory physiology & behavior
Prof. Matthias Bethge, MPI Tübingen, Germany
on large-scale blind source separation
Dr. Christian Keine, MPI Florida, Jupiter, USA
on auditory synaptic transmission
Dr. Andre Rupp, Univ. Heidelberg, Germany
on cortical representation of auditory stimuli using MEG