
Up to date list on Pubmed

Occasionally updated list with PDFs :

  • Migault G, van der Plas TL, Trentesaux H, Panier T, Candelier RI, Proville R, Englitz B, Debregeas G, Bormuth V (in press), Whole-Brain Calcium Imaging during Physiological Vestibular Stimulation in Larval Zebrafish, Current Biology
  • Górska U, Rupp A, Boubenec B, Celikel T, Englitz B, (2018) Evidence integration in natural acoustic textures during active and passive listening. eNeuro
  • Keine C, Rübsamen R, Englitz B. (2017) Signal integration at spherical bushy cells enhances representation of temporal structure but limits its range.  Elife. Sep 25;6. pii: e29639. doi: 10.7554/eLife.29639.
  • Heckman JJ, Proville R, Heckman GJ, Azarfar A, Celikel T, Englitz B. (2017) High-precision spatial localization of mouse vocalizations during social interaction. Sci Rep. Jun 7;7(1):3017. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-02954-z.
  • Boubenec Y, Lawlor J, Górska U, Shamma S, Englitz B. (2017) Detecting changes in dynamic and complex acoustic environments. Elife. Mar 6;6. pii: e24910. doi: 10.7554/eLife.24910.
  • Keine C, Rübsamen R, Englitz B. (2016) Inhibition in the auditory brainstem enhances  signal representation and regulates gain in complex acoustic environments. Elife. Nov 18;5. pii: e19295. doi: 10.7554/eLife.19295.
  • Huang C, Resnik A, Celikel T, Englitz B. (2016) Adaptive Spike Threshold Enables Robust and Temporally Precise Neuronal Encoding. PLoS Comput Biol. Jun 15;12(6):e1004984. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004984.
  • Boubenec Y, Lawlor J, Shamma S, Englitz B. Change Detection in Auditory Textures. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2016;894:229-39. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-25474-6_24.
  • Heckman J, McGuinness B, Celikel T, Englitz B. (2016) Determinants of the mouse ultrasonic vocal structure and repertoire. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. Jun;65:313-25. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2016.03.029.
  • Krüger HM, Collins T, Englitz B, Cavanagh P. (2016) Saccades create similar mislocalizations in visual and auditory space. J Neurophysiol. Apr;115(4):2237-45. doi: 10.1152/jn.00853.2014.
  • Huang C, Englitz B, Shamma S, Rinzel J. A neuronal network model for context-dependence of pitch change perception. Front Comput Neurosci. 2015 Aug 6;9:101. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2015.00101. eCollection 2015.
  • Englitz, Akram, David, Chambers, Pressnitzer, Depireux, … Shamma, (2014). Putting the tritone paradox into context: insights from neural population decoding and human psychophysics. Advances in experimental medicine and biology, 787, 157–64.
  • Englitz, David, Sorenson, Shamma (2013). MANTA-an open-source, high density electrophysiology recording suite for MATLAB. Frontiers in neural circuits, 7, 69.
  • Stiefel, Englitz, & Sejnowski (2013). Origin of intrinsic irregular firing in cortical interneurons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110, 7886–91.
  • Stevenson, I. H., London, B. M., Oby, E. R., Sachs, N. A., Reimer, J., Englitz, B., … Kording, K. P. (2012). Functional connectivity and tuning curves in populations of simultaneously recorded neurons. PLoS computational biology, 8, e1002775.
  • Typlt, Englitz, Sonntag, Dehmel, Kopp-Scheinpflug, Rübsamen (2012), Multidimensional characterization and differentiation of neurons in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus. PLoS ONE
  • Sonntag*, Englitz*, Typlt, and Rübsamen (accepted) The Calyx of Held Develops Adult-like Dynamics and Reliability by Hearing Onset in the Mouse in vivo Journal of Neuroscience
  • Englitz*, Ahrens*, Tolnai, Rübsamen, Sahani, and Jost (2010). Multilinear modeling of MNTB responses, Network : Computation in Neural Systems, 21 (1-2)  PDF
  • Typlt, Haustein, Dietz, Steinert, Witte, Englitz, Milenkovic, Kopp-Scheinpflug, Forsythe, and Rübsamen, (2010) Presynaptic and Postsynaptic Origin of Multicomponent Extracellular Waveforms at the Endbulb of Held/Spherical Bushy Cell Synapse, European Journal of Neuroscience, 31 (9). PDF
  • Englitz*, Tolnai*, Typlt, Jost, and Rübsamen (2009). Reliability of synaptic transmission at the synapses of Held in vivo under acoustic stimulation. PLoS ONE  PDF
  • Tolnai*, Englitz*, Scholbach, Jost, and Rübsamen (2009). Spike Transmission Delay at the Calyx of Held in vivo: Rate-dependence, Phenomenological Modeling and Relevance for Sound Localization. J Neurophysiology. 102(2)  PDF
  • Sonntag, Englitz, Kopp-Scheinpflug, and Rübsamen (2009). Early postnatal development of spontaneous and acoustically evoked discharge activity of principal cells of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body: an in vivo study in mice. Journal of Neuroscience, 29(30)  PDF
  • Tolnai, Hernandez, Englitz, Rübsamen, and Malmierca, The Medial Nucleus of Trapezoid Body in Rat: Physiology and Anatomy correlate (2008), European Journal of Neuroscience (27)  PDF
  • Tolnai*, B. Englitz*, Dehmel, Kopp-Scheinpflug, Jost, and Rübsamen (2008). Dynamic interaction between excitation and inhibition in the MNTB, European Journal of Neuroscience (27)  PDF
  • Haustein, Reinert, Warnatsch, Englitz, Dietz, Robitzki, Rübsamen, and Milenkovic (2008). Synaptic transmission and short-term plasticity at the calyx of Held synapse revealed by multielectrode array recordings. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 174(2)  PDF
  • Englitz, Stiefel, and Sejnowski (2008). Irregular Firing of Isolated Cortical Interneurons in vitro Driven by Intrinsic Stochastic Mechanisms, Neural Computation 20(1)  PDF
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