

Bernhard Englitz, Ph.D. (Contact)
  • Acquisition & Computational Analysis of High-Density Neuronal Recordings in Mice
  • Computational Analysis of High-Dimensional Neural and Behavioral Data
  • Acquisition & Computational Analysis of Human EEG Data


Debbie Tilburg-Ouwens (shared support in the section Neurobiology at DCN, contact)
Competences: Molecular work, Histology, Lab management, PAM, Contactperson Autoclave.

Post-Doctoral Researchers

Gesa Berretz (jointly with Floris de Lange)
Topic: Lateralization of Predictive Representations in the Brain
Evrim Yilmaz, Ph.D. candidate (Visiting)
Topics: Neural Representation of Muscle Spindle activations in the brainstem


Ruben Teunisse, Ph.D. candidate
Topics: Developing an AI based system for live audiovisual tracking of rodent interactions including their well-being (LiveScope)
Janek Peters, Ph.D. candidate
Topics: 2-photon imaging in the auditory cortex during complex auditory stimulation
Luuk Hesselink, Ph.D. candidate
Topics: Estimating Dynamical Functional Models in Zebrafish
Zhongnan Cai, Ph.D. candidate
Topics: 2-photon imaging in the auditory cortex during complex auditory stimulation
Berk Deniz, Ph.D. candidate (visiting)
Topics: 2-photon imaging in the auditory cortex during complex auditory stimulation


Sharon Goldewijk, M.Sc candidate
Topic: Probabilistic representations in the auditory cortex of mice
Maikel Simon, M.Sc. Candidate
Topic: Representation of spontaneous activity in mouse auditory cortex
Haoze Zhu, M.Sc candidate
Topic: Probabilistic assignment of RNA expression to individual neurons on a brainwide scale
Kiki Nabers, M.Sc candidate
Topic: Probabilistic representations in the auditory cortex of mice
Bram van Hees, M.Sc. candidate
Topic: Audiotactile integraton in the mouse auditory cortex during social interaction
Samuel Arends, M.Sc candidate
Topic: Representation of textural sounds in the auditory cortex of mice
Ruben Versteeg, M.Sc. candidate
Topic: Machine learning analysis of mouse vocalizations and body pose.



  • Andreas Knoben, (M.Sc.) => now Ph.D. in Amsterdam with Corrado Bosman
  • Maxime van Veghel (M.Sc.) => now Ph.D. in Rotterdam with Eric Lowet
  • Artoghrul Alishbayli (Ph.D.) => now working at Synaptica
  • Kasper Smeets (M.Sc) => now doing a Ph.D. with Wulfram Gerstner@EPFL
  • Utku Ortal (B.Sc.)
  • Tomas Moure (B.Sc.)
  • Noel Malewski (B.Sc.)
  • Max Sterling (M.Sc.) => Now a Ph.D. with Naoki Kogo / Richard van Wezel @ Donders
  • Alwin van de Loop (M.Sc.)
  • Tom van Iersel (M.Sc.)
  • Paul van Heumen, (M.Sc.) => Now working for 3D Neuro
  • Sebastian Quiroz Monnens (M.Sc.) => Now a Ph.D. in AI at Radboud
  • Casper Peters (M.Sc.) => Now working at ASML
  • Jannika Koschnitzke (M.Sc.) => now a Ph.D. student in Honkkong
  • Diana Carare (B.Sc.)
  • Jinke Baan Hofmann (B.Sc.)
  • Iya Sasse Ruth Nyaba (M.Sc.)
  • Kosio Bechkov (M.Sc.) => Now a Ph.D. student with Gaute Einevoll
  • Mihaela Gerova (M.Sc.) => Now a Ph.D. student with Vincent Bonin
  • Céline Schutte (B.Sc.)
  • Milan Bogers (M.Sc.)
  • Timon Daniels (M.Sc.) => Now a deep learning specialist at Noldus IT.
  • Joey van Hoogstraten (M.Sc.)
  • Prescilla Uijtewaal (M.Sc.) => Now a Ph.D. student in Utrecht, NL
  • Gabriel Oliveira Stahl (B.Sc.)
  • Noah Schlegel (B.Sc)
  • Thijs van der Plas (M.Sc) => Now a Ph.D. student in Oxford, UK
  • Urszula Gorska (Ph.D.) => Now a PostDoc in G. Tononi’s & Marek Binder’s labs.
  • Alexander Ivanenko (MSc) => Now a Ph.D. student in Münster, Germany
  • Kees van Roiijen (MSc)
  • Amber van der Stam (B.Sc.)
  • Dionne Lenferink (B.Sc.)
  • Merijn van der Woerd (B.Sc.)
  • Bram Raalte (B.Sc.)
  • Hugo Huijs (B.Sc.)
  • Wouter Mattheussens (B.Sc.)
  • Jorryt Tichelaar (M.Sc.) => Now a Ph.D. student with Roshan Cools
  • Teun van Gils (M.Sc.) => Now a Ph.D. student with Peter Hagoort.
  • Javier Diego Nieto (Ph.D.)
  • Chao Huang (Ph.D. & PostDoc) => Now a Researcher with
  • Christos Zacharopoulos (M.Sc.)
  • Reinder Dorman (M.Sc.) => Now a Ph.D. student with Cyriel Pennartz
  • Okke Scholten (M.Sc.)
  • Hannes Bode (B.Sc.)
  • Jelle Millenaar (B.Sc.)
  • Jesse Heckman (M.Sc.) => Now a Ph.D. student with John van Opstal
  • Judith van Westen (M.Sc.)
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